[Basic Settings] helps new AvaKit users set up their device and tracking methods. It is mandatory to go through [Basic Settings] when you first launch AvaKit. You can also press F11 to access it again later.


Press the central start button to begin [Basic Settings].


First, you will set up the tracking method. AvaKit supports three tracking methods:

1. Webcam Tracking

This method uses the user's connected webcam to perform face tracking. It is the most recommended method for users who are not familiar with avatar tracking.

<aside> ⚠️ For virtual cameras, the available options are limited and the current stability is low, so their use is not recommended.



When you select [Webcam Tracking], you will set the camera type, resolution, and FPS.

  1. Select the camera device you want to use.
  2. Set the resolution of the selected device. This determines how clearly the camera will capture you. A higher resolution can capture your movements more accurately.
  3. Set the frames per second (FPS) for the selected device. This determines how many images the camera captures per second. The higher the FPS, the more movements are captured, resulting in smoother motion.

2. iFacialMocap

This method uses an iPhone or iPad that supports FaceID for face tracking. It is only applicable for face tracking and requires the following conditions to function smoothly: