This is a method of conducting facial tracking using an iPhone or iPad that supports FaceID functionality. This method is applicable only to facial tracking and requires the following conditions for smooth operation:

Using [iFacialMocap] on an iPhone, it recognizes the user's facial expressions and calculates the [Blend Shapes]. AvaKit applies the [Blend Shapes] values calculated by the iPhone to the avatar, supporting more sophisticated facial tracking.

The connection method between AvaKit and [iFacialMocap] is as follows:

  1. (iFacialMocap) Launch the [iFacialMocap] app on your iPhone.
  2. (iFacialMocap) Check the IP address at the top of the [iFacialMocap] interface.
  3. (AvaKit) Set the tracking method to [iFacialMocap] in the facial tab of the tracking panel on the right.
  4. (AvaKit) Enter the confirmed [iFacialMocapIP] address in the IP address input field.
  5. (AvaKit) Click [Tracking ON] to begin tracking.

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